Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day and 8 Weeks to go!!!

32 Weeks

I can't believe how quickly the time has been going by. I'm starting to get a little nervous about being a mom to two girls instead of just one. I've had so many thoughts running through my mind about Brooklyn feeling neglected when the baby comes and if I'll love this second baby as much as I Love Brooklyn. Everyone reassures me that this is all completely normal and that I'm not horrible for feeling this way. It's amazing the Love that a Mother has for her children. I think of my own mother and the unconditional love that she has for all four of us kids no matter what is going on in our lives. I hope that I can be like my Mom, and love my kids all equally and unconditionally. Happy Mother's Day Mom and Robynn (My Mother-in-law)!! You women are amazing!! I want to thank Robynn for welcoming me into her family and loving me as a mother does. I appreciate all that she and my own mother do for me. 


Ricky Thiot said...

Hey I think you are the hottest prego women ever. Scratch the prego part, you are the hottest women ever. You are also the best mother I could have ever imagined for my children. I sure am glad you picked me as your hubby. Happy Mother's Day. Now I better go change Brooklyn' diaper so you won't have to.

Pamela Royal said...

I think you are supposed to show more with your second, not less! You look great, I would never guess that you are 32 weeks. Happy Mother's Day to you.

Lisa said...

Happy Mother's Day! You still look great... like I did when when I was like 20 weeks :) At least you will shed those extra pounds quick!

Oh and everyone is right you are going to do great and you might even like your second more :) jk

Em said...

ummmmmm, you sure you're not 22 weeks????? you can't possibly be 32! in other words: you look rockin!!!

Kyra said...

you are tiny :)

Danny said...

8 weeks!!!! Wow I didn't realize its so soon time just flew right by. How are you guys? I can't believe its soo soon