Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Highlights

This Christmas, Ricky and I were able to spend time over at his parents place. All of Ricky's siblings and there spouses were able to come this year and we have had a fun time spending time with them. Here are a few highlights of our Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

Brooklyn and Kinsley at the kids table.

Me, Brooklyn, Charlie, & Keelie showing how excited we were to go Christmas caroling.

Brooklyn opening presents by herself.

Brooklyn inspecting her new tricycle.

Brooklyn checking out the fun things Santa brought her in her stocking.

Brooklyn loving being the center of attention.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas 2008

Yesterday, Ricky and I were finally able to bring Brooklyn to go see Santa. I wasn't quite sure what to expect this year, but this was the outcome.

Maybe next year Brooklyn won't cry!!! 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

This Halloween, Brooklyn and Ricky had a fun time dressing up. Ricky went as Napoleon Dynamite and Brooklyn went as Minnie Mouse. Ricky had a lot of fun dressing up for work and most people could figure out who he was suppose to be. This was Brooklyn's second year at trunk-or-treat, and she was surprised that people were just giving candy away. She figured out where to put her candy and that she should say "thank you" after people gave her candy. She did a great job and she especially had a great time with her friend Kinsley. They decided to hold hands and go trunk-or-treating on there own. They also managed to play a few games of ring around the rosies. 

Brooklyn with her Uncle Skyler.

Brooklyn with her friend Kinsley.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Update for September and October

Ricky and I in front of the cruise ship.

One of the dress-up dinners with everyone.

Swimming with sting rays. (notice how clear the water is)

Jeff holding a sting ray.

I have been so busy lately, that I have struggled to have the desire to update our blog. In early September, Ricky and I went on a cruise with our friends Jeff and Cara Warnick to Progresso, Mexico, Cozumel, Mexico, and Grand Cayman. We had the best vacation ever and really enjoyed the company. There are so many pics to choose from!! After our cruise, we had a hard time going back to reality. You get so use to people cooking and cleaning for you, it's a real disappointment when you realize that you have to do it yourself once your off the ship. Brooklyn had a good time while we were gone with both her Nana and Gigi Gloria. They went to the zoo, the aquarium, and to the park everyday. After a few weeks we got back into our routine of life. After only a few days of being home, I had the opportunity of being reunited with one of my old roommates, Polly, who happened to mysteriously be in my ward while her husband sold security systems. We had lost touch after she had gone on a mission, so it was nice to hang out after so long. We hung out everyday for almost a month, before she and her husband had to go back home. 
A few weeks ago, we went to the fair (with the Warnick Family). We saw lots of animals and enjoyed eating the fattiest and greasiest food that you can eat there. A week after the fair, Brooklyn and I went to California to visit my parents. We had a really good time and were sad to leave. This week were looking forward to Halloween. Brooklyn is going to be Minnie Mouse this year. Were so excited!!! Well post pictures after Halloween. Everyone have a great week!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Bride and Groom

Groom's side of the Family

This past weekend we were able to fly out to Utah for Ricky's brother's wedding. We had a good time the night before the wedding meeting Stacy's family (the bride) and getting to know them a little better. Saturday was the day of the wedding. Stacy looked so beautiful and Pierce was the happiest I have ever seem him. It was a wonderful day to celebrate their love for one another. After the wedding, we were able to go up to Park City and we rode the Alpine Slide down the mountain. It was fun, but after the slide we went on the roller coaster and it was a blast!! If your ever looking for something to do in Park City, I highly recommend it. The weekend overall was spend with family and we had fun making new memories.

Brooklyn smiling.

Brooklyn and her cousin Keelie with matching dresses.

The alpine slide with the whole gang.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Painter and Nursery

Brooklyn's 1st Day of Nursery

Family Pic Before Church

Yesterday, Brooklyn turned 18-Months-Old. At church when you turn 18 Months, you start going to nursery. This is where all the kids go during sunday school until they're 4-years-old. Unfortunately, Brooklyn wasn't very excited about us leaving her. She was doing alright until she realized that her daddy had left without her. In the middle of class, I hear this baby out in the hall crying "Mama, Mama" over and over again. Then I realized it was Brooklyn. The rest of Sunday school, I attended nursery with Brooklyn. Hopefully next week she will have so much fun, and not even realize that Ricky and I are gone. (Yeah Right!!)

Today, Brooklyn used all of her creativity and created some of her first masterpieces while finger painting. She did such an amazing job and it was like she knew what she needed to do. Here are a few pics that I took to capture the moment.

First Marks Made.

Having Fun While Painting.

Eating the Paint (She has to try everything at least once!!)

End Result.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Tonight Brooklyn played with Play-Dough for the first time. She wasn't quite sure what to do with it but she ended up having fun anyways. Here are a few pics that I was able to take.

Brooklyn squishing the Play-Dough.

Brooklyn eating the Play-Dough. (who doesn't try Play-Dough at least once in their life?)

I feel so blessed that I'm able to stay home with Brooklyn to watch her learn and grow. She is such a special girl and I'm so glad that she is apart of our family.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I've been so horrible at updating my blog lately! Not much has happen since my last post except that we went to Houston for the 4th of July. We had a really good time with the Warnick family. Brooklyn and Allison had a really fun time playing together and we had a fun time visiting with Jeff and Cara. Here are a few pics we took while there. 

I also have taken some really cute pics of Brooklyn lately and thought you might want to see them.

Ricky loves dressing Brooklyn like a skater chick!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Back Home for Now

The last two months have been really busy. We've been traveling a lot and have had a lot to do these days. We started out our traveling when we flew to Salt Lake City for my sister-in-law, Tatia's Wedding. She looked so beautiful and we're glad that we were able to be there for her and Jake's big day.

The Bride & Groom

Pierce, Ricky, Tatia and Ricky's Uncle Jeff

Mackenzie, Tatia, Me & my future sister-in-law, Stacy 

Brooklyn in her cute flower girl outfit

We got home from Utah on a Monday and then that Friday, Brooklyn and I took off to go home to California. It was a lot of fun and were glad that we were able to see our family in California.

Brooklyn sporting her new sunglasses with Papa

Brooklyn and Nana having fun at the park

Now were home and life just seems busy. I've been trying to keep Brooklyn occupied during the day and we've been outside a lot, since that is Brooklyn's favorite place to be.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Brooklyn Singing E-I-E-I-O

Brooklyn loves to sing the song Old McDonald and I finally got this video to upload. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I do. In case you were wondering, yes Brooklyn is feeding the dog strawberry shortcake too.

Joe Pool Lake

*This Picture reminded me of a picture that was taken of me when I was her age.

*Rare moment when we could capture a big smile while she is looking at the camera.

For those of you that have lived or visited Texas know that there are lots of lakes around. Ricky and I have lived in Mansfield for about two years and we have never been to Joe Pool Lake, which is like five miles away. So we went today to check out one of the parks by us. It was a lot different from what I'm use to, but it was really pretty. Here are a few pictures we took while we were there.

*Family Pic while we were exploring.

* Pic of Ricky and Brooklyn with a view of the Swim area.

*Pic of Brooklyn and I walking around.

*Another pic of flowers in the background.